
Monday Mating : The Single Brief : Hello!

Hello and welcome to The Single Brief.

Single life can be wonderful; flirty emails, romantic trysts and stomach flipping first kisses. It can also be a cacophony of mixed signals, cryptic text messages and missed connections. And whilst I have enjoyed my fair share of intoxicatingly wonderful moments, like most people I seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to understand just how this dating thing is supposed to work.

In my experience reliable dating and relationship advice can be hard to find. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that my friends’ lovingly partisan contributions, whilst leaving me with a wonderfully inflated ego, sometimes miss the mark. For instance, I wonder if telling my date that he’d be ‘lucky to have me’ might just somehow do more harm than good. What I need is objectivity, a practitioners’ guide – Blackstones for dating.

So here at The Single Brief, with your help, I will be creating just that; an archive of advice for single life. There’s a lotmore to being single than dating so I will be discussing some of the highs and lows of my single life as well as collating the experiences of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Some stories will no doubt be taller than others. But most importantly I need to hear from you. So if you have a story that you want to share, a dating dilemma, some sage advice, or simply some musings on single life, get in touch and become a part of The Single Brief.

In the interests of encouraging your honest advice I will be writing anonymously and you are very welcome to do so too.

In the coming weeks I am going to be posting on a few different topics and I’d like to hear from you with your experiences, advice, in fact anything that you might want to say on the topic of single life, dating and, if you feel like it, lawyering. Please get in touch via email on:
or follow me on twitter @singlebrief.

Dating and relationships at work. Good idea or avoid at all costs? Please share your workplace dating anecdotes – the good and the bad. How did you first get together? Did you share your relationship status with your colleagues? What were the implications for workplace dynamics? Has your relationship lasted? If not, how did you manage the break up?

Time management and dating. When you are working long and often unsociable hours it’s sometimes hard to find the time for those first dates. How does dating fit into your lifestyle? Where do you meet potential dates? Is online dating an aid to efficiency? Are you an advocate of time saving lunch or coffee dates?

Singles nights. Fabulous or frightening? I will be attending and reviewing one of London’s single nights as a first timer so please let me have any tips. What should I wear? Are heels a good idea when you’re over 5’9”? Should I have a glass of wine (or more)? How do I decide who to talk to? What time should I plan to leave?

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