
Monday Man : Spring skincare for men

So, there are always plenty of tips on skin care for women. But what about the men? Skincare Expert and Facial Therapist Amanda Elias  from Bravura London, offers Seven Steps to Spring Clean his Skin:

  1. Soften winter skin with a gentle moisturiser that contains alcohol or perfume, particularly after shaving. It’s essential to moisturise so that you rehydrate the skin; shaving strips the skin of its natural moisture.


  1. Spring is a good time to put a cleansing routine in place if you don’t have one. Use a face gel/wash for oily, combination skin when cleansing – and a cream cleanser for dry skin. Cleanse daily; once in the morning and twice in the evening.


  1. Shave off that winter face fuzz but never dry shave; this can seriously irritate and dry out the skin. Always use a shaving gel or oil. If you have sensitive skin, avoid any products that contain menthol.


  1. Consider new products.When it comes to your spring skincare, you don’t have to use just the brands targeted for men. If you have similar skin complaints to your girlfriend/mother/sister ask to try their products to see how they work for you.


  1. Get rid of dry lips by applying a lip balm regularly throughout the day. A stick lip balm is easier and quicker to apply then the balms in little pots.


  1. Dry hands? Use an exfoliator to remove  dry, dead skin and then moisturise. Start by mixing a little sugar and olive oil together and scrub your hands for roughly a minute, rinse off and then apply some of the olive oil in to your dry hands. For best results, gently warm the olive oil (warm not hot), apply to your hands and then cover your hands with a pair of cotton socks. Leave for a few hours or for even better results, leave on overnight. If you’d rather leave it to the professionals, why not treat yourself to a Man-icure?


  1. Don’t leave sweaty skin after workouts. If you notice breakouts on your body after exercising, use a medicated wash to cleanse the skin as soon as possible after each session. If you don’t have time to shower, quickly wipe over your skin with a clean, cotton flannel and change out of your sweaty workout clothes. Always use a clean flannel and towel. 

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