Never had you : short film by Rehna

I have written and produced/co-produced for short films about family law. They are all legal dramas.

The current president of the family division, Sir Andrew McFarlane invited me to screen the films and participate in a Q + A at a judicial conference chaired by the then president, Sir James Munby.
It was a huge honour to show the films to 100 judges from around the country and to answer their questions.

In addition, I have screened these films for legal and non-legal audiences and they have generated really thought-provoking discussions about the bar, family law and the legal system in general.

If you would like to screen the films at an event that your Chambers, law firm or legal body would like to organise (in person or online), please get in touch:

ps the title is from the John Lennon song Mother – Mother you had me but I never had you

Yours editorially
