Friday Film : Marketing via film
Film is an incredibly powerful medium. Films can entertain, inform, educate, promote, change perceptions and spark debate and discussion.
Lawyers Life co founder and barrister Rehna has written and produced a series of short films about the family justice system. They have been screened at: the President’s judicial conference, the launch of a new law firm, seminars at barristers’ chambers and Local Authority and Cafcass conferences
Watch the short montage above:
In an increasingly competitive legal marketplace, film is an exciting and creative way to communicate with your clients; whether it is through a corporate video setting out the services you provide, a training video or a specially commissioned short drama which showcases the work you do.
If you wish to commission a film for your law firm, chambers, NGO, charity, public service or individual promotion, please contact Rehna for a production and budget consultation at:
For screenings of Rehna’s films about the Family Justice System and accompanying presentation, please contact Rehna at:
Past discussion panels following a screening of the films have included:
The Family court and transparency
Justice in 26 weeks – can it be achieved?
Why clients need legal representation
The public perception of social work and family law and how to improve it
Why mothers stay with abusive partners