Tuesday Tips : 5 tips : your career is a game, master it!
5 tips from Robert, a former investment banker, now partner at law firm
1. Write a list of the important tasks you have to do each day. Write a dozen then focus on 3. You can’t do justice to more than that in a day. When you get those 3 most important jobs done you will feel a sense of achievement and your stress levels will reduce.
2. Set time aside time in a day to make telephone calls, read/send emails. When you scatter these across your day it can become overwhelming and you waste time. Having a set period each day to deal with anything other than emergencies helps you focus and achieve more.
3. Keep as many weekends free as possible. Go and do something different from your weekday routine. The difference between a smart person and a not so smart one is that for the latter the priority is work. For the smart person the priority is himself and his wellbeing.
4. Do some physical exercise first thing in the morning or at lunchtime for however brief a time. It releases stress.
5. Don’t eat alone. Use lunch breaks to spend time with colleagues or friends, socialise, laugh, enjoy company.
Every career is a game, master it.