
Monday Mood by Eliza : 1st July

Happy Monday to you!

I am a great fan of songs, which have been inspired by poetry and novels. ‘Wuthering Heights’ composed by Kate Bush is just one of my favourites, based on the novel by Emily Brontë.

Today’s Monday Mood is a song inspired by the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ written by Harper Lee.

The song is entitled ‘Atticus’ and sung by Indie Rock band, The Noisettes. Formed in 2003 and fronted by Zimbabwean-British vocalist Shingai Shoniwa, the song uses the novel’s protagonist, Atticus Finch, as a metaphor for fearlessness and integrity.


The song has a clear reference to the novel, which is evident in the first line, “To kill a mockingbird is to silence the song that seduces you.”

Throughout Harper Lee’s timeless classic, Atticus routinely demonstrates the sort of courage that is sung about in the song.

“… you need that desire in your heart to survive
And you need that burning fire in your soul to know
You’re still alive …”

I hope you enjoy the song!
Eliza x






Delighted to share with you what gives me pleasure, joy and relaxation.

Active in music and drama throughout my teenage years and first performed on stage at the age of 8 playing descant recorder in the school orchestra.

Lover of 19th Century literature, poetry, theatre and music. Inspired by Shakespeare with a touch of Gothic madness thrown in.

Occasional actress and have performed in various productions inspired by stories from Dickens, Shakespeare, Pratchett and, not forgetting, Panto!

Secret ambition to play compositions by Rachmaninoff and Gershwin on Piano at the Royal Albert Hall. One day!

Eliza x